Month: January 2018

January 2018 Hadrian’s Wall walk finishing in Corbridge

Halton Castle & Chapel.  The castle is owned by the Blackett family. The Pele Tower was first recorded in 1382 and the manor house later attached to it was built with stone from the Roman relics. Such vandals!. I once delvered a post card to the family here that I brought back all the way from Post Office Bay on the Galapagos Islands.
Moira, David, Margaret and Chris on the bridge over the Tyne at Chollerford. The George Hotel in the background is where we stopped for a tea/coffee
Part of the group all eating sandwiches outside the entrance to Aydon Castle.
John and Mary crossing the Tyne bridge at Corbridge.
Pele Tower in Corbridge. Built in 1300 as a fortified vicarage. It is now a Micro Pub!
Inside the Pele Tower, smiling faces, sweaty bodies, muddy trousers and a drink in hand hint of a good day had walking in Northumberland’s fine countryside.
Inside the Pele Tower Corbridge. Real ale direct from the Barrel. That’s my pint on the bar.. a nice pint of “Pele IPA” from the Allendale Brewery served in a dimple glass.